Bud Parfums-- Ooh La La

A walk on the beach at Heron Island. The wafting warm summer scents of vanilla, frangipani and a trace of lemon scented tea tree in the distance. “Ooh La La” is fresh, invigorating, bold and confident. She is luscious, with a fruity bouquet that sparkles. A little of a gypsy she will transport you with music to far away places. She is composed with the finest of natural ingredients and you may find the subtle changes within her, will last for several days. If you love quality of the highest standards then you will be pleasantly surprised . Let her take you on a holiday and away from your little world today……..

I was sent this fragrance from http://www.budparfums.com.au
The scent i was sent was called Ooh La La which is described above.  There are no works to describe this scent but Im in love. This truly wears all day. Also as the perfume warms it will come off in layers with some subtle changes in the scent.

There are many different scents so check them out and get one today. They also have free samples so you can try out the scent before you get a bigger bottle. They also have scents for women and men as well.


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