February Crave box

Super excited to share with you my February crave box.

                                             EBoost.Daily health booster is packed with vitamins so you'll have plenty of energy. You just add one pack to water.

                                        Thinkthin bars are so very good. If you havent tried then go and pick you up a bar and try it. The top one is creamy peanut butter and the bottom is chocolate dipped with mixed nuts. Easy to put in your purse and take with you.

                                         Downy wrinkly release. You spray this on any clothing with wrinkles and smooth.

                                           BicMark-It markers left to right
                                           ---fandango pink
                                           ---desert rose
                                           ---pink flamingo
                                           ---plumtastic purple
                                           ---rambunctious red
                                           ---playful purple

                                          Amorepacific Treatment cleansing foam and moisture bound skin energy hydration delivery system.

Im  super excited to try all of these products,. Let me know what your thoughts are on these if you have tried them.


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