Find something every day to be positive about

Every day, be full of awareness
    of the beauty around you.
Be full of gratitude
   for friends and family,
for the goodness you find in others,
for your health and all you're capable of.
Be full of acceptance
   of yourself and others----
without conditions or judging,
knowing that differences and changes
   make life interesting.
Appreciate the gifts of laughter
   and fun in your life
and find contentment in knowing
   that you can always control
your ability to look on the bright side.
                                                 ----Barbara Cage

Promise yourself
to accept life as it comes
and truly make each day special----
to become more independent
and more willing to change----
to fill your life
with special times,
and make your dreams come true.
                                   ------Deanna Beisser


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