Healthy summer glow year round

Do you love the summertime? Summertime is my favorite time of the year then it's fall but that's a whole other posting. I'm going to share with you some tips that I do to keep that healthy Summerglow year-round. 1) my first tip is eating healthy this so very important to eat healthy year around. When you eat healthy you will feel so much better. I know for me that when I eat healthy I have so much energy and I'm ready to tackle the day ahead. "If you need some inspiration head over to ALOHA and click on the healthy recipes tab at the top for some inspiration. 2) another thing that I do besides eating healthy is I drink lemon water. I still use infuser Tumbler from this posting on Instagram. It's fabulous you can put lemon in it you can put berries in it you can put whatever in it and flavor your water up. 3) another important thing that I deal is that I use the self tanner and I don't know about you but whenever I use the...